Bureau of Customs Port of Cebu District Collector Atty. Ricardo Uy Morales II, CESE, met on a courtesy visit on February 15, 2024, with the new Station Commander of the Coast Guard Station – Central Cebu, CG Capt. Jerome Y. Lozada, and the new Chief of the Aviation and Security Unit for Region 7, PCOL Giovanni A. Musico, along with AVSEU 7 Unit Executive Senior Police Officer PEMS Feliciano C. Saludo Jr.

Accompanying District Collector Atty. Ricardo U. Morales II, CESE, during the meeting were Port of Cebu’s Enforcement and Security Service (ESS) District Commander SP/CAPT. Abdila S. Maulana Jr. ,ESS Sector Commander SP/LT. Enrico N. Mongaya.

CG Capt. Jerome Y. Lozada supplanted former CGS – Central Cebu Chief CG CDR Mark Larsen N. Mariano, while PCOL Giovanni A. Musico succeeded former AVSEU 7 Chief PCOL Arthur A. Salida.

The gathering was an opportunity to reinforce ties and ensure a seamless collaboration between the Bureau of Customs Port of Cebu, the Coast Guard Station – Central Cebu, and the Aviation and Security Unit for Region 7. Discussions focused on enhancing security measures, streamlining customs processes, and ensuring the safety and efficiency of Cebu’s maritime and air transport sectors.

In his remarks, District Collector Morales emphasized the significance of inter-agency cooperation in achieving a more efficient and effective security system, saying, “Our partnership with the Coast Guard – Central Cebu and the Aviation Security Unit is crucial in safeguarding our borders against any form of threats. By working closely together, we can ensure that our ports and airports are not just gateways for trade and travel, but also fortresses against illegal activities.”

CG Capt. Jerome Y. Lozada and PCOL Giovanni A. Musico both expressed their commitment to the partnership, recognizing the mutual benefits of a strong collaboration. They assured their agencies’ full support in providing manpower, expertise, and resources to enhance the security measures in place.

This partnership marks a significant step forward in enhancing the security and efficiency of Cebu’s ports and airports, ensuring that they remain safe and conducive to trade and travel. The Bureau of Customs Port of Cebu, together with the Coast Guard Station – Central Cebu and the Aviation and Security Unit for Region 7, is committed to maintaining the highest standards of vigilance and service to protect the interests of the country and its citizens.

Under the leadership of District Collector Atty. Ricardo Uy Morales II, CESE, and with guidance from Commissioner Bienvenido Y. Rubio, the Port of Cebu remains committed to its mission of facilitating trade and ensuring compliance with customs laws, while also prioritizing the safety and security of the maritime and aviation gateways in the Central Visayas Region. The Port of Cebu’s efforts to engage and collaborate with other government agencies such as the Coast Guard Station – Central Cebu and the Aviation Security Unit underscore a holistic approach to security and regulatory compliance. This approach not only enhances the operational capabilities of the port but also fosters a culture of transparency and accountability. (Retxed Cotag)

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